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Who We Serve


We provide services to child victims (under the age of 18) of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, and child witnesses to homicides, and other violent crimes. We serve children who reside in Franklin or Williamson County or children who report abuse occurring in Franklin or Williamson County.

We also provide support to non-offending family members.


  • Support to the child and the non-offending family members

  • Linkage to counseling and medical services for the child

  • Court support services

  • Child friendly environment where the child can be interviewed by a specially trained forensic interviewer

  • Coordination of Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) including DCFS, Law Enforcement, State's Attorneys, Medical Providers, Child Advocates and Mental Health Providers

  • Facilitation of MDT meetings to staff the cases


Referrals are obtained from DCFS, Law Enforcement Agencies and State's Attorneys Offices.

We believe in the power of a collective voice by sharing information and working together with our multi-disciplinary partners to successfully effect change that will impact the lives of the children affected by violence and abuse.

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