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National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 2023

The Franklin-Williamson Child Advocacy Center was busy April 2023! April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month, which has been observed every April since 1983. 

While each organization's participation in National Child Abuse Prevention Month looks different, we all share the same goal: raising awareness that all children deserve a childhood that is free of abuse.


Check out the FWCAC's efforts to bring awareness to child abuse below. 


Jade Beasley Butterfly Memorial


Ralph Graham Memorial Bocce Tournament


Annual Blue Kids Campaign

On April 21st at 2:30 PM, as a living tribute and support for the Jade Marie Beasley Speak Life Foundation, the FWCAC planted a butterfly bush at our Center in memory of Jade Beasley.

The FWCAC hosted the Ralph Graham Memorial Bocce Tournament on April 28, 2023 at the Herrin Bocce Courts. It was a beautiful day for some bocce and raising awareness about child abuse!

This year, 33 businesses and community members supported the FWCAC through our Blue Kids campaign and helped us raise awareness for National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

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